Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Social Obstacles to Change

As I make plans and prepare for a major change in lifestyle, I have been looking into ways other people are trying to live a sustainable, and quality-focused life.
Colin Beavan, "No Impact Man", posted on his blog about how a policeman informed him and his daughter that it was illegal for them to fly a kite in the park. You can read about his experience here: Social Obstacles to Change

On other blogs I have heard about towns where police give tickets to pedestrians for crossing the street before the signal changes or if they walk ON or just outside the white crosswalk lines. Motorists who stopped on the side of the road to pick people up or drop them off were also given tickets for obscuring traffic.

When I lived in New York City, there was a group of bicyclists from Critical Mass that gathered, usually on a certain Friday of the month (I could never figure out which Friday)and rode throughout Manhattan. They try to raise awareness of our over-dependence on cars in the city and other local environmental issues. I always was thrilled to see the huge number of bicyclists, it was like a parade on two wheels!

Unfortunately, there was an incident on their last ride, where a policeman allegedly was struck by a bicyclist. However, one of the bystanders happened to catch the incident on video, and it looks pretty clear to me that the policeman intentionally struck the bicyclist. There has long been antagonism between Critical Mass and the police. What I noticed in the video below is that the spectators are smiling. I remember finding the event interesting and somewhat exhilarating. Why is a peaceful demonstration (they bicyclists don't shout, disrupt the neighborhood and they follow traffic signals)like this such a threat?

Colin Beavan writes on his blog,
"Whether you're choosing to fly a kite instead of eating McDonalds in front of the TV or protesting bad air in the city by riding your bike, there are huge institutional obstacles to environmental change. They are of a type that is more invidious than, say, the fact that companies use too much packaging.

I mention this just because I think it's important to acknowledge. Because it's part of the challenge. And because it makes me incredibly sad."

It is not an easy path. But, I have never been very content with the easy way. I think overcoming challenges helps to shape us into strong, resilient and self-aware people. Of course, having some support along the way is welcome too. Think about those activities that we have allowed the "Institution" (whether it is government, big business, or social convention) to decide for us what is best? Let's start addressing them, so we can all share a future that is healthy and balanced for all living beings. If you are not sure how to address them or how to choose, then help support someone or a group that is already doing the work. Everyone can do a little something. It is when someone does nothing that we run into problems.


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DoAn Art is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of DoAn Art must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Emerging Visions #12-- Jung @ Heart

Emerging Visions, an e-zine for visionary art, edited by Laurie Corzett, has posted issue #12 titled Jung @ Heart. I am happy to announce that my painting, Boann: Transformation of a Goddess, was selected to illustrate the issue. Please take a moment to check out the poetry, essays, flash fiction and visual art by the other talented artists and writers.

Prints and greeting cards of Boann are available at FineArtAmerica


PS: I am still collecting donations, which will go toward attending the residency at Vermont Studio Center in November. I greatly appreciate any support you can offer! Please click the image below:

Donate now!

DoAn Art is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of DoAn Art must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. 

Friday, July 11, 2008

Vermont Studio Center Residency

I have been accepted into the Vermont Studio Center for a four week residency starting in November!

The Vermont Studio Center hosts 50 artists and writers who participate each month in 4 to 12 week independent studio Residencies. VSC Residents represent a mix of mediums, cultures, experience, and ages, for a diverse and vibrant community.

The VSC hosts 600 resident artists and writers from around the world, and 72 visiting artists and writers each year. During the 4 week residency I will have a private studio space to work in where I can focus on producing work without the usual daily distractions. I will also have access to a community of artists and writers to share work and ideas.

This is a tremendous opportunity for me. While at the residency, I will be working on paintings that explore our relationship to nature and spirit. I will have the time to devote myself completely to producing work, which will in turn help me contribute work for the good of society. In addition, I will have the chance to meet other established and emerging artists.

I was awarded a partial grant from VSC to help cover some of the costs. I need to come up with $1500 to cover the remaining of the expenses. I would appreciate any donations in any amount that you are willing to give to help me attend this residency. In return, you will be making a great contribution toward the future development of art for the betterment of society. You can donate by clicking on the logo:

Donate now!

DoAn Art is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of DoAn Art must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. 

I greatly appreciate any support you can offer!


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Life Condensed

Now that I have closed and packed up my studio in Cincinnati, I am focused on downsizing the rest of my belongings. To keep my moving cost down and to fulfill my wish of living lightly, I have marked a block in blue tape that is about nine feet long and six feet wide and six feet high. I must fit all my belongings into this space. Whatever doesn't fit must go.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn, that after I had packed all but my kitchen stuff, I had only filled half the allotted space. I was not surprised to learn that the majority of my belongings are my art supplies! My paintings alone will probably fill up the remaining half of the moving truck.

You may be wondering, why am I restricting myself so? Well, with this move, comes a major change in my lifestyle. I believe it will be easier to start this change by severely reducing what I own and letting go of things that I don't need. My lifestyle change will focus on healthy living, non-consumerism, environmental sustainability, and quality living. I will be, in many ways, rebuilding my life from the ground up.

Since my studio is packed up, and my ability to create art is severely restricted during this transition time, I will share my thoughts and plans for this restructuring until I get my studio set up and I am back to work on my art again. I would like to share a link to an essay that I really enjoyed. The essay deals with the issue of living a non-consumer, higher quality of living lifestyle in the midst of a consumer, quantity driven society. It is written by Colin Beavan who is also known as No Impact Man. Colin and his family lived one year in Manhattan, maintaining a low to no impact lifestyle, and now he shares his experience and ideas for how to live more responsibly in the world. Please check his essay and the rest of his website out:

No Impact Man: "From Work and Spend to Work and, Well, More Work"


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