Thanks to everyone who made Lian’s 2nd Birthday Party great fun. We appreciated all the generous gifts and support! We had a great time catching up with old friends and making some new ones as well.
We also had a chance to show off our new studio! We moved to a new slightly larger space at the end of June. The studio is in the same building just on the other side, but the additional three feet make a huge difference in being able to work in and show artwork. If you haven’t had a chance to see the new studio, I have posted some photos here.
As some of you know August and September were challenging months as we recently moved to a new apartment and the move was exhausting and stressful (what move isn’t?). Lian is adjusting slowly to the new space, as every day, fewer and fewer boxes clutter up the space. For now, I am letting her rest and take things easy. She will start working on winter themed work in another month or two, once she gives me a sign that she is ready to begin working again.
I too have been taking things a bit more slowly. Fall, for me, is typically a time for turning inward and reflecting on my past work while preparing for a leap forward into a new direction. Lately, I have been doing a lot of research and exploring new mediums. Look soon for works utilizing various watermedia (such as ink, watercolor, and water-soluble colored pencils) on watercolor canvas and paper. I have found a powerful new connection with these mediums in relation to my research.
In the meantime, I will be catching up on some commission work and continuing to develop the From Beyond the 9th Wave series of paintings based on the Tuatha De Dannan from Irish Mythology. The process of working on these paintings has brought me to a deeper connection with the earth, almost a spiritual connection. As I research materials, I find myself looking into the tales of the Faery dimensions, Native American spiritual practices, as well as the notions of collective consciousness and planetary sentience. Eventually, all this stuff will find a way out through my artwork…it is all very interesting to explore, I hope it will be equally interesting to see!